Thursday, 13 September 2007


So many emotions run through my head,
challenging promises never once said,
dreams and related screaming my name,
is this for real or only a game ?

Nobody knows what life will deal out,
happiness, sorrow, together no doubt,
but the way that we choose comes deep within,
as our lives carry forward to a time to begin.

Nothing is easy as we forge on ahead,
a mountain to climb from a word unread,
making an obstacle so hard to climb
as onwards we plod, taking our time.

But things said in haste are never so grand
causing untold promise at the flash of a hand,
so taking our time is the only way how
as we start our lives only we know how.

As we look to the future and know not what it holds,
and we stand up so tall, with power so bold,
and march at the enemy stare right in its face
and long to be counted in the deep human race.

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